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Showing posts from November, 2012

'Can We Have Some (More) Obama Please?'

The US election is history. The dust has settled and life reverts to the dreariness of the usual. It is an appropriate time to pause awhile and look at some intriguing outcomes of the election. Voting is perceived as an activity centred around individual voter self-interest. Well-balanced, informed voter base is an assumption that is considered unworthy of a re-examination. While the self-interest angle is quite palpable, the gamut o f reasons put forth by voters on picking a certain candidate are often mired in v agueness .  The following is an edited excerpt of an recent email exchange with a friend. HaLin wasn't eligible for voting, but under the garb of a market participant, had much practical interest in the outcome. This post is a summary of events as they happened . Does individ ual rational behaviour lead to collective rational ou t come? I t is time to dive in to the world of individual definitions , nomenclature and qualitative perceptions. ----------...